National Gallery
The Old National Gallery on the Museum Island knows how to score with German art of the 19th century. With one of the most extensive collections of paintings by Caspar David Friedrich, the exhibition starts chronologically and ends with the beginning of modernism with paintings by Max Beckmann. In between also numerous French artists: Manet, Monet, Renoir!
duration approx. 1,5 hours

The Berlin Gallery is the capital’s MOMA. Here you can meet painting, sculpture, photography and much more. That’s why the Berlinische Galerie features works by Max Liebermann, Oskar Kokoschka, Otto Dix, Max Beckmann and many more! If you are looking for classical modernism, this is the right place!
Duration approx. 1.5 h

Mies van der Rohe
The Mies van der Rohe House in Berlin Hohenschönhausen is always worth a visit. Whether in summer or winter: the last residence designed by the star architect of the Bauhaus before his emigration to the USA makes the visitor feel that it is a jewel of modernity.
Duration approx. 2 hours

Picture Gallery
The Berlin Picture Gallery is one of the top 5 Old Master collections in the world and is the only one in which one can study the history of European painting from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the 18th century in an almost encyclopaedic way. It houses works by Caravaggio, Vermeer and Rembrandt, among others.
Duration approx. 1.5 hours.

The Bode-Museum is Berlin’s sculpture collection. You don’t have to visit it only for masterpieces by Donatello, Verocchio, Bernini, Canova or Riemenschneider. The house alone is a work of art in itself.
Duration approx. 2 hours.

Gallery of Prints and Drawings Berlin
Das Kupferstichkabinett Berlin gehört zu den größten und bedeutendsten der Welt. Zwar sind die Kunstwerke – Zeichnungen, Aquarelle, Druckgraphiken von Dürer, Rubens, Rembrandt, Watteau, van Gogh, Warhol etc. – nicht permanent zu sehen. Aber die Mehrzahl der Blätter kann man sich im Seminarraum vorstellen lassen.
Dauer ca. 2 Stunden

The wonderful Jewish Museum in the Lindenstraße is worth seeing just because of its architecture. The tour also starts with the famous architecture of the famous Daniel Liebeskind building, the underground axes and the 3 different rooms, each of which tells a different story of the Jewish fate in Germany from 1933 onwards.
Duration approx. 1.5 hours
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